På Nordlige Verdeners konference, der fandt sted d. 27.-30. november 2012 på Nationalmuseet, var Peter Emil Kaland, Universitetet i Bergen, Charlotte Damm, University of Galway og Christian Wichmann Matthiessen, Københavns Universitet indbudt som de 3 dages key note speakers.
På denne side findes deres 3 præsentationer som video, og deres power points kan downloades.
The landscapes of the Northern Worlds constitute the frame of reference for the research initiative’s studies of agricultural use and traces, of features connected to cosmos and the perception of land and rights, and of environment and change.
Peter Emil Kaland, Department of Biology, University of Bergen
The Coastal Heathlands of Europe – farming history and management
Interactions in the Northern Worlds between societies in particular and nature and culture in general have been in focus for the research initiative’s studies of networks and communication, of objects and exchange, and of preservation and decay.
Charlotte Damm, Department of Archaeology, National University of Ireland, Galway
When people meet
Social and organizational dynamics in the Northern Worlds have been elucidated by studies within the terms of continuity and discontinuity, of mobility and organization, and of techniques and environment.
Christian Wichmann Matthiessen, Department of Geography and Geology, University of Copenhagen
Scandinavian Links: Regional development perspectives
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The Coastal Heathlands of Europe – farming history and management
Scandinavian Links: Regional development perspectives