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The Settlement Qajaa 1982

It was an archaeological breakthrough when Jørgen Meldgaard excavated and registered the permafrozen stratified midden at the Settlement Qajaa at the Disco Bay in 1982. In the bottom contexts from the Saqqaq-culture (2500-800BF) was overlaied by contexts from the Dorset-culture (500-100AF) and on top covered by the thickest contexts from the Thule-culture (1200-1600). The extraordinary preservation of the site revealed organic material used as tools for instance. Such objects are only known from a few other places in the Arctic.

The archaeological team (curator Helge Larsen, zoologist Jeppe Møhl, eskimology student Hans Lange, the assistent Regine and two volunteers, Egon Geisler and Torben Simonsen) registered the excavations on film, and selected parts can be seen here. If you want to see more, please use the menu at the left.

Sensations in the Soil

Click on the picture to watch the film

Every day camp life

click on the picture to watch the film